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学生支持 / 职业服务


student meeting with counselor

Our mission at Tiffin University’s 职业服务 is to empower students with the knowledge, skills and 资源 to embark on successful and purposeful careers. 我们通过以下方式实现这一目标: 

  • 主要探索: Self-assessment paired with major and career research to help you decide on the right major and career path for you.  
  • 写简历 & 发展: Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve got close to a finalized draft, we can help you create and/or update your resume to be more successful in the job search. 
  • 求职信写作: Draft unique cover letters tailored to the position you’re applying to with our assistance, getting you closer to your dream job. 
  • 面试: Develop your interviewing skills with techniques, advice and tips or go through a formal, personalized ‘mock interview’ to prepare for an upcoming interview. 
  • Internship and/or Job Search: Whether you’re looking for an 实习 or your first career, we can guide you through the process of connecting with employers, searching for relevant positions online, tracking your applications and much more. We can also assist you with salary negotiations once you receive an official job offer. 
  • 研究生院研究 & 应用程序: For students interested in continuing their education to reach their future career goals, we can help you research graduate schools and programs that align with your intended outcomes and with the documents needed for the application process. 
  • 握手: Handshake is Tiffin University’s online job board for on-campus jobs, 实习s and career opportunities. Students automatically get access to this platform and can sign in with their Tiffin University email address and password at: 吃午饭 
  • 毕业后计划: Once you’re getting ready to graduate, meet with us to put together a formal plan of action for your next steps after commencement. 
  • 龙大衣橱: Select a free outfit from our professional clothing closet for an interview, 实习, 招聘会, research conference or your first day on the job. 最棒的是? 你可以留着它! 
  • 人才招聘会往往会 & 事件: Attend one of our many 人才招聘会往往会 and/or events for additional career development and preparation and to meet with employers who are actively hiring. Find all of our upcoming events on Handshake under the 事件 tab. 

Most of our services are offered through personal and individualized one-on-one appointments. To schedule an appointment, email careerservices@吃午饭.edu or schedule an appointment through Handshake. Also, take a moment to check out our 资源 to see what you have available to you as a Tiffin University student! 

Have Any Questions or Need Additional Information?

Bethani Burkhart
Director of 职业服务
800.968.6446 ext. 3422